Another way to generate more income is by avoiding risky customers, and in the auto insurance case, high-risk drivers are not prospective clients in the standard market. As a matter of fact, most insurers avoid providing coverage for high-risk drivers. Their best chance to acquire coverage is from the less affordable non-standard market. Some underwriters do specialize in this market, and Good2Go Insurance is one of them.
High-risk vs. Low-risk Drivers.
Every insurance company has their formula to classify each potential customer. Low-risk classification is for drivers with clean driving records, zero insurance lapses, excellent credit score, and those who always pay their premiums on time. Some variables including age, homeownership, profession, marital status and address also play their roles in the classification process. High-risk drivers are risky customers because of existing tickets for major traffic violations on their driving records, for examples DUI and reckless driving. Involvement in accidents causing severe injuries and death are a serious red mark, too. Insurance companies that specialize in the non-standard market, including Good to Go Auto Insurance, have more flexible rules for classification, and it does not matter if you’ve crashed your vehicle in the past.
Getting Affordable Coverage.
Every state has a minimum auto coverage requirement. All drivers must include the minimum requirement in their insurance policies. The rules are different from state to state, so you may need to check with the local DMV regarding this rule. Many high-risk drivers purchase only the minimum coverage requirement to avoid spending too much on insurance. However, being a legal driver does not always mean that you are well-protected. Optional coverage such as Comprehensive and Collision are useful and often necessary in many situations. When you crash your vehicle to your neighbor’s fence, for example, Collision Coverage kicks in to give payout. Some high-risk insurers also provide optional coverage; Good 2 Go Insurance offers both Comprehensive and Collision as well.
Just like purchasing home appliances or furniture, it is important to compare prices between many different sellers. When it comes to insurance, you can ask for quotes from various companies and compare the prices. Nowadays, insurers allow everyone to request a quote via Internet. A quote is like an estimate that tells you how much you can expect to spend for the coverage. Insurance companies often provide discounts to help reduce premium. Take the deductions into account to get a more accurate estimation. In the middle of a fierce competition in the market, many underwriters, such as Good2Go Insurance, offer many discounts to draw potential customers.
Typical auto insurance discounts.
Although the amount of savings is different between companies, there are some common types of cuts in all of them. Put in mind that the following discounts are not unique to Good to Go Auto Insurance or any other underwriter.
Defensive Driving Course: for high-risk drivers, taking defensive driving course shows your good intentions to avoid involvement in accidents in the future and not repeat the same traffic violation. Insurers often give discounts for every driver who completes this course.
Multiple Vehicles: insuring two or more vehicles with the same company may grant you significant savings.
Good Students: if you are still a student, you have a big chance of getting auto insurance discounts if you have good grades.
All those three discounts are available from Good 2 Go Insurance, but other companies may offer similar savings in different names. Other common discounts include homeownership, safety devices, and always one-time premium payment.
Payment Options.
To manage your expense better, ask your insurance agent about possible payment options. They are not available from all insurance companies, but at least an underwriter, Good to Go Auto Insurance, has three options available including Monthly Installment Plan, Quarterly Installment Plan, and Annual Up-Front. All payment plans are for one-term policy or one year. Other underwriters may provide similar offers but in different forms. Insurance coverage from the non-standard market is more expensive than the standard market. Payment options are helpful to keep every expense more manageable.
Revoking high-risk label.
A different ticket affects driving records in a different way. A minor violation is revocable by paying fines, and the tickets will disappear from your record. A major breach like DUI is harder to revoke, and it stays on your record for several years. High-risk label does not stay forever. When the time comes, driving records will be clean. When you are still high-risk, chances are you need to purchase insurance from the non-standard market, for instance, Good2Go Insurance. After you revoke the high-risk label, you can buy insurance from the standard market again.
Complying with state’s regulation.
Before purchasing coverage from any company, please make sure that the policy includes at least the minimum coverage requirements according to your state’s law. Some companies do not provide services or sell insurance in all states in the country. Take Good2Go Insurance, for example, the company sells insurance policies only in some states, but it works with a network of underwriters to cover all states.